
standing up for RACIAL EQUALITY


standing up for RACIAL EQUALITY

A Personal Message From Billy, Mike & Team DIAKADI


We are extremely heart forward people and we have always held the belief that living a life of positivity and acceptance of others, by choosing to ‘Spread the Love’ generously to all of those around us, and having no discriminatory judgements based on race, gender, religion, or sexual preference, was what we were supposed to do as caring, loving leaders and members of our world. Thanks to several members of our DIAKADI family, and based on incidents like the horribly tragic death of George Floyd, the shootings of Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery, and countless others, we have come to realize that this is NOT ENOUGH.

We MUST do more.  Our responsibility cannot simply be about ‘Spreading the Love’ and a personal acceptance of others.  We must also be actively working to ‘Eliminate the Hate’ in our world, where systemic racism continues to lead to vast levels of inequality and the destruction of families, communities and far too many lives.

We know that we have much to learn about how we can best support our friends, peers, teammates, and community in this effort. Today we are making the commitment to that education and to becoming more brave in our fight for acceptance, empathy and love for all.

We invite you to take the same initiative for education and inspire actionable change in your life and in your community.

Support organizations that are moving the needle on racial justice.

Color of Change, NAACP, Anti-Racism Project, ACLU, The Bail Project, and UnidosUS are but a handful of the organizations working nationally and locally for social justice issues facing communities of color. Subscribe, donate, act.

Stand up for People of Color.

When you see something wrong, stand up for what is right. Call out micro-aggressions when you hear them, and protest and challenge unjust behavior until it creates change. Being an ally requires you to educate yourself about systemic racism in this country. Learn how to stand up: “For our White Friends Desiring to be Allies.”.