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Top 5 Ways to Stick To Your New Year's Resolutions

1. Create specific and attainable goals leading up to your bigger goals.

Instead of generically saying, "I want to get stronger", focus on spelling out goals that you can check off and complete. For example, "I want to deadlift 10 more pounds within two weeks," or "I want to perform 20 continuous push-ups," are two goals that will help you get on track to becoming stronger. A common method to effective goal setting is making them S.M.A.R.T: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. Adding two or more of these elements into a goal help make them feel easier to accomplish and therefore motivating for you to take on more goals. Jackelyn Ho, www.jackelynho.com

2. Write it down.

Whether you make a vision board, write it on the bathroom mirror, or place a post-it note at your front door, choose a method that works best for you. If you're not sure what works, then try 'em all! The more you see your resolution, the more you are likely to subtly make your way towards completing it. Be sure to acknowledge your notes every time you see it instead of letting the message glaze pass you. Gina Gutierrez, www.diakadibody.com

3. Schedule it.

Putting it into the calendar helps you stay on track because when it's in your schedule, you feel obligated to make it happen. Instead of only scheduling time for hard work, make sure you include restorative time as well. Allow yourself time for both mind and body. You deserve it! Stephanie Dale, www.gethungrysf.com

4. Ask a friend to hold you accountable.

It's hard to get off track when you have someone checking in with you, simply because our brains are wired in a way in which we don't want to disappoint. Canceling on a running meetup is not fun, so keep it real and don't be a flake to yourself or your friends. Jan Milano, www.milanoperformance.com

5. Prioritize your goals and focus on one thing at a time.

It's easy to get caught up in wanting to achieve everything yesterday, but that's how you end up on the fast track to chaos town. Take a hard look at your list and decide what's most important to getting you where you need to go. Having a hard time deciding what's important? Ask a friend to review your list and help you make some hard decisions. Dustin Eastment, www.dustineastment.com