San Francisco's leading fitness coaches recommend their top choices for food, activities and more in the Bay Area. Nestled along California's northern coast, San Francisco captivates with its iconic restaurants, diverse activities, and rich history. Whether you're exploring the numerous lush hiking trails or savoring dim sum in Chinatown, each corner of the city offers a unique adventure. Join us as we uncover our Faves in the Bay, voted on by the top trainers and coaches!
Looking to get a little outdoor activity in after being stuck in your home or office all week? Explore the Bay Area, get an awesome workout, and see some incredible views with these DIAKADI trainer suggested hiking trails.
January is almost here and many of us have started to research ways to help our 2018 New Year's Resolutions come true. When it comes to fitness and health goals, whether it is dropping 50 lbs or improving your golf swing, teaming up with an educated, experienced personal trainer can often help ensure success. DIAKADI founder and owner, Billy Polson, recommends considering the following seven key elements when searching for your ideal match.
As fitness professionals, we have been squatting for a long time. We learned to squat with “proper” form, and that form was reinforced by certifying organizations like NASM, NSCA, and CHEK. As part of the certification process, we’ve been trained on not only how to squat properly, but how to evaluate other people’s squats.
Should I squat with my feet straight ahead or should they be rotated out? If you ask a panel of kinesiologists, physical therapists, and biomechanists—professionals who are best qualified to opine on form—you’ll find that even within disciplines there’s not a clear favorite.
Everybody needs inspiration from time to time. Many of us athletes look to sports movies to inspire us as well as to entertain us. However, watching the same movies over and over can be as dull as an hour on the treadmill. To keep you focused through rest of the fall sports season, we have compiled a list of our favorite little-known movies featuring Football, Cycling, Soccer, Boxing, Martial Arts, and Hockey. Take a gander and see if one or two of these gems can help you get you out of a slump, inspire you in your training, or at the very least entertain you.
We here at DIAKADI love a good championship bracket. So when Yale BUSTED all of our March Madness brackets, we decided to put our 16 favorite healthy habits head-to-head. The Bay Area’s most educated fitness trainers and performance coaches have voted, and the results are in.
DIAKADI is thrilled to be a part of something new. We're partnering up with Muttville Senior Dog Rescue to incorporate exercise into this amazing foster home. Find out how you can join in the fun!
Happy Holidays from DIAKADI to you!
Not sure what to bring for a dish to pass? DIAKADI Trainers have you covered with these delicious, healthy, holiday appetizers, entrees, and desserts.
First off, WELCOME TO SAN FRANCISCO! The Bay. The City. Nor Cal.
You'll never find yourself bored in SF with its neighborhood diversity, steep rolling hills, mountainous terrain, and of course, The Bay. Our DIAKADI Trainer recommended their favorite activities that will want you coming back for more.
DIAKADI Announces Partnership with Newest Bay Area Professional Soccer Team
DIAKADI Fitness Performance Life, San Francisco’s most comprehensive fitness performance facility and the leader for fitness entrepreneurs in the Bay Area, announced their partnership with San Francisco’s new professional soccer team, the San Francisco Deltas. The North American Soccer League's newest expansion team will have DIAKADI as their HOME for strength and performance training throughout their inaugural season.⠀
Planning a night out and don't want to sacrifice flavor for a guilt free dinner?
Our DIAKADI Personal Trainers not only know nutritious foods but delicious meals too. Their recommendations of the healthiest, tastiest restaurants in the Bay-Area will leave you feeling healthy and satisfied whether you're gluten-free, plant-based, vegan, or just really dig organic, fresh foods.
A San Francisco native, Devin Wilborn is an 80s baby with an equally unique perspective. At the age of 7, Wilborn found his first love in his parent's Canon AV-1 & his second in the landscape that surrounded him. Since then, Wilborn has captured his lust for life from every angle, producing works in photography, film, and mixed media. An experiential artist, under his project StudioBT, Wilborn collaborated across genres, building with independent fashion brands & upcoming models. After a brief hiatus to explore the unknown, Wilborn is back with his boldest work yet: Glitch.Please.
The beginning of the DIAKADI Difference Program, which allows a participant to work with trainers once to twice a week for three months, focusing on fitness, diet, and lifestyle choices.
DDP focus: The Medea Project: Theater for incarcerated women
Meditation affords us the opportunity to find inner peace amid our often hectic daily lives. By clearing the mind and practicing mindfulness (a term we'll explore more later), we can calm the swirling tides of our thoughts and emotions and see things more clearly. However, meditation can seem daunting. It takes practice to be able to tame a mind that is so used to having free rein all the time. This level of mastery is difficult to achieve with a few sporadic meditation sessions sprinkled throughout the week. That's where Spirit Rock comes in. Sprawled among the woodlands of Marin County, Spirit Rock offers immersive meditation retreats designed to deepen your personal meditation practice by combining the teachings of Buddha, insight meditation, and loving-kindness meditation.
Our very own Billy Polson, as well as a long time DIAKADI client Gary Loeb, were able to attend a full 5-day silent meditation retreat. We interviewed both of them to get a sense of what they experienced.
Somehow the New Year has come and gone, and we're now on the fast track to February. How did that even happen? Nevertheless, the "new year, new you" mantra is in full swing and if you are the type of person to make resolutions, let's do a quick check-in. How are they going? If they're no longer going, don't stress. Our DIAKADI trainers say it's time to regroup, start over, and get this show on the road.
We’ve all heard that you get out of your workout what you put into it. No matter what your goals happen to be, there are many variables to consider when crafting your most optimal training program. The particular combination you select will have a direct impact on the physical results achieved. These variables include: the total number of sets per exercise, the number of repetitions (reps) per set, the intensity of the weight used with respect to a benchmark (e.g. 1 “rep max” or “RM”), the tempo of the repetition, the amount of rest between sets, and the frequency that you train each muscle group per week.
Looking to hit the slopes this snow season? DIAKADI team members have some of the top recommendations for snowboarding and skiing in Tahoe this season! From secret runs, to ideas on fun family activities, this is truly the inside scoop to the best spots in Tahoe. Read below for some of the best recommendations in the Bay Area.
Every December I set intentions to strive for in the upcoming year. While writing my intentions in 2015, I had this desire to REALLY give back and spend time working with an organization that speaks to me. I discovered The Her Initiative through the power of Instagram seeing the lovely Jenna Kutcher talk about her experience. Since then I kept 'Her' on my radar and was inspired by their efforts, grace and compassion.
The Olympics Games are the holy mecca of athleticism. As the world's largest and most watched sporting event, only the best of the best individuals and teams get to represent their country and compete. So how does one become an Olympian? Great genes and luck, of course. Just kidding. But seriously- the answer is actually pretty straightforward, just ask Sean O'Brien, one of DIAKADI's very own trainers.
Personal trainers play an extremely important role in both preserving and improving the health and safety of clients’ bodies and lives. Most individuals see their doctor only once or twice a year, but see their personal trainer once or twice a week. So, the quality of the information and the recommendations that we provide in our practice must be well researched, tailored and proven effective.
We hope that the information we share will assist beginning trainers as they select their best education path.