Treadmills are notorious for epic running workouts because that’s what they were designed for. If you’ve avoided them for that very reason, then prepare to be taken outside of the thinking box. These exercises require a treadmill but don’t include any mileage, which means you’ll be getting a full body workout while adding a little bit of variety to your routine.
Before you begin, check in with a personal trainer to confirm that these exercises are okay for you to perform. Please note these important tips:
“ + We highly recommend using a Woodway Treadmill, as this is what these moves were tested on.
+ Make sure machine is off and release the emergency clip.
+ If you want incline, turn on the machine and increase incline without increasing speed. Then release the emergency clip. That will keep the treadmill at an incline. ”
“Skateboards on the treadmill are one of my overall favorite exercises. The exercise allows you to work your legs unilaterally, which serves as a very functional form of sport-specific training. I also love that your upper body and core are used for stability while your target leg gets an awesome workout.”
Begin at the foot of the treadmill. Assume a plank position with hands placed on the floor and feet placed on the belt. From here, draw the right knee to the chest and then as that foot places back down, simultaneously draw the left knee to the chest. When the foot comes down, it should be pushing the treadmill belt away to engage glute and hamstring muscles.
Stand at the foot of the treadmill facing away. Place one foot on the belt and slide the foot backwards to reach a full lunge. Slide the foot back in to come up to standing.
Stand on the treadmill but off to the safety side step. Hold onto the handles and then use the inside leg to push the belt backwards, as if you were riding a skateboard. Make sure there is a slight bend in the static leg to activate glutes, quads, and hamstrings.
“When consciously working your core, the goal is to have those muscles fire up while you’re going about in your daily life. Aim to incorporate these movements at least three days a week. This actively trains your core to come to life from shoulder girdle to gluteus while protecting the spine.”
Begin at the foot of the treadmill. Assume a plank position with hands on the belt and feet on the floor. Lift the right hand off the belt as the left hand pushes the belt forward. Place the right hand back down as the left hand lifts and right right hand pushes the belt forward.
Begin at the foot of the treadmill. Assume a plank position with the hands on the floor and feet on the belt. From here, draw the belly button towards the spine as the hips lift up and shoulders come into alignment above the elbows and wrists. Slowly return back to plank.
Maintaining the same position and form as pikes (above), lift one foot off the belt to perform a single-legged pike.
“The main muscles being worked are the hip flexors and abdominals. The triceps, and shoulders are secondary as they support the body weight movement. Trunk stability is very important for walking or any further progression of the gait pattern. It can bring some variety to mix up the cardio on the treadmill with a few core strength exercises that will help maintain trunk stability and increase performance of the gait movement pattern, and it’s progressions; walking, running, sprinting. ”
Stand on the treadmill facing towards the foot of it. Hold the handrails and then suspend the body up and off the belt. From there, draw in the right knee towards the chest and then quickly tap that foot down to switch to the left knee.
Maintaining the hold above, keep the body suspended the whole time and draw both knees towards the chest. Avoid letting the feet touch the belt until the final repetition.
L-SIT >>
Continuing the hold above, lift legs until they are parallel to the ground. Maintain pose until fatigue.
“As a society that sits all day at the desk, our hip flexors and flexor chain typically tighten while our extensor chain (hamstring, glutes, back) are lengthened and weakened as we sit hours upon hours at our desks. This hamstring exercise allows for us to strengthen each muscle within the hamstring (bicep femoris, semitendenosus, and semimembranosus) as well as the glutes. Our goal is to strengthen our weakened extensor chain. The hamstring curl along the treadmill uses not only just the hamstring itself, but also utilizes core stability, as well as glutes to hold the body in the upright position to do the curl. Using a single leg movement makes the move that much harder on the contraction, but also during stabilization. ”
Lay down supine at the foot of the treadmill with the glutes as close to the edge as possible. Place the heels on the belt with the knees bent towards the body. Lift the hips up off the ground and then press the heels away from the body. Keep the hips lifted to repeat this move.
Maintain the position above but only curl with one leg.
Maintain the position above but hold a static hip bridge without the curl until fatigue.